Wednesday 8 September 2021

Home Learning Day 15

Pete and the missing cupcakes

The story was about Pete and the missing cupcakes. After listening to the story, i then answered the questions.

I enjoyed the story as I had to guess who ate the cupcakes. I thought It was the squirrel because he loved sprinkles but I was wrong, it was the frog.

The frog was so greedy because he ate all the cupcakes, luckily he brought some cupcakes to the party for everyone to share.


  1. Hi Faith,
    Thankyou for sharing this story, It was very interesting.
    You did very well with your hanwriting and answering all the questions. Keep up the great learning x

  2. Hi Faith
    Yes it was a lovely story and you answered all the questions. it's always nice sharing. Do you share with your siblings? Keep up the nice writing.


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